№1079049 титановый чип / маркировка вставлена в грудь после биопсии
Elena Жен., 49 лет. USA
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06.11.2020 05:37
There are chips being inserted into women«s breasts under the pretense of a titanium marking. Most of the time there are NO unusual findings in the breast, but a woman is informed that there are unusual findings (false X-rays and lab results) so that she will consent to a biopsy and after the biopsy comes the SUGGESTION of placing a titanium mark (very “neatly” covered up operation so that people will not figure out what is actually being done). Many of us do trust medical personnel – they use OUR TRUST for criminal goal - and do consent to the titanium marking. These doctors and nurses are well aware of what they are doing.
The titanium marking is either a chip on its own OR is used to slip in a chip while placing the titanium mark in the breast. After a while of having the titanium mark/chip in the breast, a woman might begin experiencing odd symptoms some of them are : delayed reaction (from Central Nervous System to Peripheral Nervous System and vice-versa - slowed down the speed of transfer of information via neurons in the brain, similar to the information process by the autistic patients), slurred speech, difficulty putting thoughts and words together, difficulty understanding spoken or written language, short and long memory loss or gaps (they use Alzheimer’s or dementia – these are very rare in all other parts of the world but for the USA), feeling disoriented in the surrounding (some of the symptoms are similar to an overdose of anesthesia, look it up). Internet searches shows that through this chip the operators (those people who receive access to your body via the chip – just like your cell phone can be hacked giving control over the work of your phone and the information: the chip gets connected to a tower and begins to receive signals from the tower and begins transfer information back to the tower from your body such as the rate of your heart beat and pulse and so on) gain access to the work of your heart (able to cause heart attack) , to the work of your brain (disabling neurons, cause strokes) including the areas of the brain that control emotions such as anger, depression: they have gained the ability to control your brain to produce excessive amount of Melatonin (hormone responsible for feeling sleepy) so that a person will feel sleepy and fatigued, and other more severe symptoms that results in lethal consequences . In addition, the chip works as a GPS so that the operators are aware of your location every minute of your day (for what purpose?) – pay attention when you walk into a store such as Walmart you will see people with the cell phone looking at the screen of their cell phone and then at you and back at the cell phone (just like you are looking at your cell phone when you put in an address and follow the arrow/direction to lead you to your destination – their cell phones pick up the signal from the tower to which the chip in your body pass and receive information and are tracking you in the store, just like you are tracking /follow the arrow on your cell phone map app. to get to your destination).
The operators are able to cause heart attack and stroke via the chip in your body by sending a signal from the tower to the chip in your body – the chip gave full control over your organs in your body including your brain. In general, once you are «enrolled» in the «program» (as they call it), they study you and study how your body works (pulse, heart beats, brain activity) your habits and test your level of tolerance of exterior irritants for example how long do you hold up when someone is offending you and what is your reaction - and record the activity of your brain when you are responding to such irritant. All this sounds like a futuristic fiction story – UNFORTUNATELY, it is the reality here in the USA.
I do not know whether this is only the experiments with what the operators (people who have access to the control of the chips and therefore to the control of a woman»s body and life/death) can do to people having full control over a person OR it is a full implementation of total control over life/death of those who have a chip placed in their body.
It is not in their interest to remove the titanic mark/chip – when they say that they did remove it after having performed a minor procedure – THEY LIE. I do not know how to get rid of this titanic mark/chip in the USA. Maybe in another country with an advanced X-ray technology able to detect the titanic mark/chip and advanced neurosurgery (the titanic mark/chip is very small – an exploratory surgery will not be able to find it). Removal of the breast is another option, although I do not know whether the titanic mark/chip is able to migrate/travel within the body once inserted. Knowing how despicable these people are, I would assume that they would make this chip able to migrate so it will be impossible to remove it.
Take a note of those doctors and nurses who DO advocate FOR the titanium mark/chip - the goal is NOT for corporations to make money on the titanium mark - the goal is a total control over life and death of the individuals, for now those residing in the USA.
There are criteria by which certain women are being selected fro example Russian women in the USA . What is the final goal for those women having the chips in their bodies?
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